Add the Date Objects and Labels

Click the “date edit” icon date icon then click anywhere in the design window to create the object.  Repeat this to create a second date object.  Drag the objects to the desired locations. 

Note the property called Variable Name in the figure below.  This is the default name assigned to the object by Argos.  Since the date objects will be referred to later when building SQL queries, it is helpful to create meaningful names.   Therefore, rename the first date object “StartDate” and the second date object “EndDate”.  This is done by typing the new names into the “Variable Name” field in the Properties area.

Object properties for a date edit object. The variable name has been changed to read start date.

In the figure below, note the existence of the two new variables (StartDate and EndDate) within the Variables tab.

The variables tab showing the two new date objects.

The next step is to add a label to each Date object.  Click the text text icon icon on the toolbar to create a static label, then click anywhere within the Design Area.  To enter the label “Start Date”, either click on the “Text” property on the left of the window or double-click within the “Type text here” field that was created for you by Argos.  Enter “Start Date” into the appropriate area.  Repeat the process for the “End Date”.  Drag the labels to the desired position near the Date Objects that have already been created.

Note the various font properties that are available (bold, color, italics, font name, font size, font underline) that you may want to change.

Two places in the DataBlock Designer where text can be added for a Label Object.